Thursday, February 11, 2010 @ 11:25 pm by
Making money online with advertising and affiliate programs is not at all simple. It is just not easy making money online no matter what other people say on their blogs. I joined several advertising and affiliate programs for the past few years and for the past few months but I still have to see if I can really make money from them.
Making money online needs a lot of effort, discipline, patience and perseverance. It needs good planning and goal setting. It is not just enough to sit in front of your computer and write content for your blog. Content is king but no matter how many articles you have written, you will not get a lot of traffic if you are not promoting your blogs.
Even if you get a lot of traffic but if your visitors do not click on the ads, links or banners, then you will definitely not earn. But even if I have not earn from some of those advertising and affiliate programs, I did not regret joining them. I will give it a few more months and see if I have to continue having those ads, links, and banners on my blogs.
What are the Advertising and Affiliate Programs that I have joined so far?
Google AdSense
Make Money Online with Google Adsense. Google AdSense is a free advertising program that allows web publishers like bloggers and probloggers to display ads on their blogs and then earn from valid clicks and impressions on those ads.
Make Money Online with Text Link Ads. Text Link Ads is a kind of text based ads widely known as Site-wide Ads or Site-wide Links. It is not a pay per click advertising program so if you join this advertising program, you will earn immediately the moment an advertiser purchases a link from your site.

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Monday, January 11, 2010 @ 7:04 pm by
It has been several months since I signed up with Amazon Associates affiliate program in order to make money online advertising Amazon products. You can earn up to 15 percent in referrals by advertising Amazon products.
What is the Amazon Associates program?
Let me quote Amazon: “Amazon Associates is one of the first online affiliate marketing programs and was launched in 1996. The Amazon Associates program has a more than 12 year track record of developing solutions to help website owners, Web developers, and Amazon sellers make money by advertising millions of new and used products from and When website owners and bloggers who are Associates create links and customers click through those links and buy products from or, they earn referral fees.”

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Tuesday, January 5, 2010 @ 3:40 pm by
It has been almost 4 months since I signed up with Infolinks in order to make money online via In-Text ads or In-Content ads. These In-Text ads are being inserted within the content of the blog entry or content of the website. Each publisher will get paid each time the website visitors click on an In-Text ad.
What is Infolinks?
Let me quote Infolinks: “Infolinks, Inc. is a leading provider of In-Text advertising that enables online content publishers to benefit from premium In-Text ads without any risk while keeping most of the advertising revenue.”

What is In-Text advertising?
Again, let me quote Infolinks: “In-Text advertising is a method of online advertising that inserts text link advertisements within the content of a website. Usually, the links will appear as double-underline hyperlinks within the website’s content itself. Upon a hover of the mouse over such a hyperlink, a floating informational bubble opens with content from an advertiser. If the hyperlink is clicked, the visitor is directed to the advertiser’s landing page; otherwise, when the mouse is moved away from the hyperlink, the bubble disappears.”
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Monday, December 28, 2009 @ 8:37 pm by
I wrote on my last blog entry, How to Make Money Online with Twitter and Ads, that it was more than a month now since I signed up with On that same day, I also signed up with Sponsored Tweets to make money online with Twitter.

What is Twitter?
Twitter is a real-time short messaging service.
Twitter is an online community and a sort of micro-blogging site where you can write short messages to stay connected with friends, relatives and coworkers. It is easy to follow the messages in Twitter because you are only allowed to write 140 characters.
In Twitter, anyone can follow you and you can follow anyone.

What is Sponsored Tweets?
Sponsored Tweets is a Twitter advertising platform that connects Twitter advertisers with tweeters or Twitter publishers.
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Monday, December 21, 2009 @ 7:37 pm by
It was more than a month now since I signed up with to make money online with Twitter.

What is Twitter?
Twitter is a real-time short messaging service.
Twitter is an online community and a sort of micro-blogging site where you can write short messages to stay connected with friends, relatives and coworkers. It is easy to follow the messages in Twitter because you are only allowed to write 140 characters.
In Twitter, anyone can follow you and you can follow anyone.

What is is an in-stream advertising platform connecting Twitter publishers with Twitter advertisers.
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