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Planning and Starting a Blog

Saturday, April 4, 2009 @ 6:08 pm by ProBlogit.com

I have written on my past blog entry that I have no plan when I decided to venture into problogging. This morning I asked myself if I really do not have a plan. I realized that I actually have some plans. I thought that I actually do not have a written detailed plan but I have some unwritten plans. They are just in my mind that most of us probably have. We do not have a written detailed plan but only unwritten ones at the back of our head.

So what are some of my unwritten and now written plans?

I plan to write about whatever I have done so far with regard to problogging.
I plan to write or update this problogging blog at least once a day.
I plan to share some problogging tips and ideas as well as reviews and opinions.
I plan to start another blog aside from this problogging blog.

What are the things that I already implemented?

I bought a new domain name only for this purpose.
I created a web design for this blog instead of using a template designed by another web designer.
I am already monetizing this blog but it is not earning at the moment.

My plans were and are very simple. I do not want to plan so extensively as I do not like to be disappointed and frustrated along the way.

Why I plan to start another blog if I already have this blog?

As I see it, I will most likely not earn from this blog because the target readers of this blog are bloggers like myself. Most of the bloggers do not click on the ads anymore, assuming that I only have Google AdSense in this blog. If most of the bloggers are not doing that, how can I possibly earn from ads. So I thought that I need to create a blog where the target readers are not just bloggers but other internet surfers who are looking for information on the net.

I can start a new blog with a certain topic or what most bloggers call is a niche. If I will start a blog with a niche, I must be at least an expert on that topic. I am not an expert of everything but I know that I am good at some other things. I can say that at least I know a little of everything. With that, I thought of just starting a new blog and write just about anything I know and anything I like. Eventually I hope that I will become an expert or a specialist of something.

Another alternative would be, I can make use of my current websites and convert them into blogs. I can also just make use of the other websites and other blogs, improve and update them regularly by writing and publishing articles on a daily basis or probably every other day.

If I have to start a new blog, how am I going to do it then?

Well, I came up of my own requirements before I can start a new blog. One requirement that I would like to impose upon myself is that, I must write about what I like to write and not just write for the readers. I thought that how can I possibly come up of a nice article if I just write for the readers and not for myself. Writing content and blogging should be fun. My readers and I should enjoy reading the article that I write aside from learning from it.

Before I end this, let me give you my other requirements to start a blog.

Requirements to start a blog:

Domain Name or Subdomain Name
Paid Web Hosting or Free Web Hosting
Blog Topics and Ideas
Time, Effort and Energy
Patience and Perseverance
Content Writing Skills
Aims, Goals and Vision

With regard to writing skills, in a way it is not a must in today’s blogging world although a lot would still argue with me that it is a must. We might not be so skillful in writing but we know that as long as we have the time, the effort, the energy, the patience, and the perseverance to learn, we can definitely make things happen.

Regarding other topics, I will write about the details of the other requirements in starting a blog in the next few days. For the meantime, let us relax and enjoy. Have a great weekend!

3 Comments to “Planning and Starting a Blog”

  1. […] am I reminding you about it? While you were reading that blog entry on planning and starting a blog, I hope that you also already thought of the main topic or main subject that you would like to […]

  2. […] Planning and Starting a Blog. There are requirements when starting a blog. If you start planning and starting a blog, it is not just about planning and starting a blog, it is also about choosing a topic or niche, about defining your niche. […]

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