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Prioritizing Maintaining Blogs and Sites

Thursday, June 18, 2009 @ 1:54 pm by ProBlogit.com

For the past few years I have been maintaing several blogs and websites for myself and other organizations. Blogging and web designing are just my hobbies. I never really thought of earning from those blogs and sites until I was given those opportunities. Then reading those stories about making money online problogging, I also decided to join the bandwagon this year. I launched ProBlogit.com as a ProBlogging Venture Tips and Ideas, Reviews and Opinions blog.

I made a decision and commitment to update this blog on a daily basis, and was able to share a few things of what I did, and will continue to share a few more things of what I am going to do along the way concerning problogging. As this problogging venture is an experiment which does not only involve this blog, I also started updating my other blogs which I have not been updating regularly to at least once a month. Then I also started updating the other blogs and sites at least once in two weeks. I was slowly making a habit to write content for my other blogs and sites until I went on vacation last month.

Now that I am back, I changed something on this blog upon realizing about a few things on problogging everyday. Instead of updating this blog on a daily basis, I decided to do it only if I have something to share with you with regard to problogging hoping to still do it on a regular basis but only at least two times a week.

I thought that if I was able to update this blog on a daily basis, I can as well do it with my other blogs which actually have been indexed and crawled by the search engines, and also already have readers. All I have to do is develop those other blogs and sites and write more often. The front page of this blog and other pages have been indexed by Google but the blog entries are still waiting to be crawled.

With that, I thought I really have to reconsider my options and priorities. I will prioritize the other blogs at this stage while I am trying to establish ProBlogit.com. I know it will take time but I have all the patience and desire to succeed in this endeavor. I will take it slowly, one at a time, always remembering what I wrote about Problogging, Golf and Patience, until blogging and problogging everyday will just become a habit. There will be a point and proper time that I will be problogging everyday again on this blog.

It is just that, I have been having my other blogs and sites for quite a long time now, actually since 1999, and I do not want to give them up. I do not want to make a choice whether to give up the other blogs and websites or just maintain one blog or two blogs. The way I see things right now, it is just a matter of making a habit and prioritizing what to do everyday.

3 Comments to “Prioritizing Maintaining Blogs and Sites”

  1. Howard Fine says:

    I’m not aware of how you prioritize, but I agree in how important it is in so many areas. I just found a new product that I downloaded the beta copy when another Director sent me this link… what a powerful, yet simple way to confidently prioritize. I’m using it for my decisions after trying it for prioritizing



    Howard Fine
    Director of IT

  2. […] mentioned at the blog entry Prioritizing Maintaining Blogs and Sites that Google have not really indexed the blog entries of Pro Blog it and so I am redirecting my […]